Black Suede Floral Embroidered Clutch$30.00
Suede Black Clutch with gold detail
slight wear to the gold detail - see photos
measures 8in long & 5 in wide
Please keep in mind when buying Vintage clothing and accessories you are purchasing something that is pre-loved (at least 20 years old) and pre-washed. Most Vintage items show signs of wear, but that is also what makes them so unique. We do our best to photograph/explain the condition of the item as best we can. On occasion, a small flaw may be overlooked.
Since we are not the original designer or manufacturer for any of the vintage clothing or accessories, we cannot guarantee the EXACT era/age of an item, but do our best to estimate such if we have information available. In some cases, this information is no longer available.
Color: Black
Material: Suede