
The items you buy on Thrilling are shipped directly from the stores. Our shipping rates vary by how many items you purchase at once. The more items you get in one order the lower are the total shipping fees.

Shipping Fees:

$8.95 to ship 1 item;

$14.95 to ship 2 items;

$19.95 to ship 3 and more items.

Orders are processed by our shops within 1-3 business days and shipped by UPS or USPS.

We also ship internationally! International shipping rates vary. Please note any duties and taxes are not included in your total and will have to be paid separately through the destination country's customs authority. If you’ve placed an order of more than two items, we will ship the items to a centralized location within the US before shipping abroad to reduce your shipping, duty and freight costs. This may delay shipments. 

COVID-19 Update: During the COVID-19 pandemic, most packages will be shipped on time. However, some purchases may be delayed.