70's Colorful Festival Maxi Dress With Bells And Jewels$58.00
Estimated size: small
Measurements (in inches, taken flat, doubled when necessary)
Bust: 33-34 (polyester is stretchable)
Underarm to waist: 8
Waist: 26
Hips: 37
Length: 54
Belt: 28
For reference, mannequins measures: 34, 25, 35. 5
My measurements: 34, 27, 38
Condition: There are a few holes on the top right part of the skirt about 4. 5" below the black polyester. Darn it. No, really...darn it and no one will know.
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Wanna say "I'll be there with bells on" and then show up with an I-told-you-so smile on your face? Then buy this dress. Ring-a-ding-ding.
The bells are just the beginning.
Imagine your mom is a total fashionista, but also a bit of a hippie, and one kick-butt seamstress. Do you REALLY think you're going to get to buy clothes at the mall. You wish. That's the story of this dress. It was bought at an estate sale where the kids laughed about how embarrassed they were to wear their moms creations at the time, but were silently also a little proud b/c unique doesn't even begin to describe their mother's creations.
It zips up both sides to the waist, so break out those pretty panties or garters if you're going there. The belt is removable with roped-thread belt loops to keep it in place. It's bedazzled, bejeweled, and be-belled. The skirt is fully lined and the fabric really IS as colorful and thick as it looks. The top is a polyester with a zipper up the back.
Color: Black
Material: Polyester